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JAMES 1:27

Widow project that supports women who lost their husbands in war

widow project


Widow Box 

Financial Help




Fight for Freedom would like to introduce you to Lesya. This is her story.

Alone, she is raising two one-year-old girls and a three-year-old boy in the town of Bucha near Kyiv. March of 2022, immediately after the invasion, Lesya, her husband and their three children had to hide in their underground cellar during the severely dangerous missile attacks. After a long, treacherous week Lesya’s husband risked leaving the shelter and went back to their apartment, just a few blocks away, for only two things: milk and baby diapers.

He never returned.

They found him much later in a nearby forest, shot in the back of the head, hands tied behind his back. There were signs of brutal torture all over his body. There are no words to encompass Lesya’s pain and grief. The reason for our visit was to most importantly encourage Lesya, to tell her that even though she has lost her husband she is not alone. Even though she is going through this hardship, God is not a stranger to her suffering and that despite everything that is happening He will prepare a beautiful future for both her and her children.

This is one of the hundred stories that motivated Fight for Freedom to start a new project working with Ukrainian widows called “James 1:27”. The project name is inspired by the bible verse “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

"Her husband was found with hands tied behind his back."

Lesya (far right), Gheorghe Ignat (CEO) Oksana Muts (Project Coordinator) holding Lesya's children



want to increase the help."

Gheorghe Ignat, CEO and Founder of Fight for Freedom


Widow Box - $25

Our goal is 1,000 widows. 

This box has food and hygiene products.

It is designed to be enough for 2 weeks.

Financial Help - $100

Our goal is 50 widows every month.

This money will ease the financial burden of bills.

This is reoccurring  help.


Widows will have an opportunity to 

live in Romania, have counsel support and guidance into the next step of life.

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